Last November I gave a short talk to undergraduates considering further study at the University of Limerick, Ireland, from the perspective of someone recently finishing a research PhD. Five things from my experience of the PhD process that I recommended for consideration were:
It may seem like an obvious one, but considering finances cannot be reiterated enough.
Can you get a scholarship?
Will you need to teach to support yourself?
Will teaching conflict with or aid your research?
Will you need a part-time job?
Will you be able to have a life outside of the PhD?
These are very important questions to consider and there are many others based on each person's context.
2. Relationship with supervisor(s).
In any type of work environment, a good working relationship is needed. You might be very motivated to do a PhD, but if you rush into a PhD you might find a little bit down the line that communicating with your supervisor is a difficult process. It is good to get an understanding of what your supervisor's expectations of you and for the project are, but you should also make your expectations clear too, of the supervisor and for the project. Otherwise, such expectations that were not made clear from the start can be a potential source of conflict later on.
3. College culture shock.
Having done my undergraduate studies at the University of Limerick, I had not anticipated how different things would be for my postgraduate studies. For example, I had to be much more proactive in making new friends/meeting work colleagues, as most of my undergraduate friends had left Limerick. When doing an undergraduate course you can regularly meet 30+ classmates in one day through lectures and tutorials. As a research postgraduate, you could sit at your desk all day and not meet or interact with anybody.
4. Initiative.
It is sad to say, but doing PhD research is one of the first times you start to get real ownership of your own education within formal education. In undergraduate studies there were lecturers deciding the course material, setting the deadlines, and giving examinations. In doing PhD research it is you that needs to show initiative and begin to make these decisions, something that is not an easy transition for everyone.
5. Ups and downs.

For a more detailed exploration of the typical lifestyle of what can be entailed as a researcher (beyond my anecdotal advice) and effective strategies for overcoming difficulties in doing research, I would highly recommend reading the work of Hugh Kearns and Maria Gardiner. I attended one of Hugh Kearn's workshops during my PhD and found it brilliant in terms of enhancing my research skills/work-life balance (See 'The Balanced Researcher: Strategies for Busy Researchers'). Ten strategies they suggest (p.6-9) for keeping your work in balance relate to:
1.Making a plan,
2.Pick the right things,
3.Make time for research,
4.Learn how to say No,
6.Set realistic standards,
7.Write regularly (and then submit it!),
8.Don't check your e-mail first thing in the morning,
9.Use the 3 Ds (Do it, Diarise it, Ditch it) of paperwork (and e-mail), and
10.Deal with distractions.