Friday, 27 January 2017

Lessons Learned From a Semester of Personal Technology Integration

Some of my aims for the Fall 2016 semester were to record my lectures and upload them to youtube, to embed simulations in my classes for student use, and to consider Affordable Learning Solutions (ALS). 
First, from my participation in the DISCOVERe course in the summer at Fresno State, I had planned to use the Explain Everything app so that I could record my lectures and upload them to youtube for students to review.  This at first was quite a daunting task, but something I thought might be beneficial to students.  However, after about five weeks of recording the lectures I stopped due to a number of issues.  Students appreciated it more when I would use the physical boards in the classroom, as there was better readability from the boards than the tablet projection. Students could also easily refer back to previous examples I had completed on another board when solving the next problem.  Further, as an instructor, my writing on the Explain Everything app was not particularly tidy and there was limited room to write on each slide.  More concerning however, was the lack of connection I felt with students compared to previous semesters.  In using the tablet, I made less eye contact with students and was focused more on writing on the tablet.  It felt like the tablet that I was holding was acting as an instructional/physical barrier between the students and I. After five weeks of using the tablet, I felt that I could recognize less students in the classroom than I had in previous semesters.  As a result of these issues, I stopped using the tablet for my explanations and went back to a combination of the classroom boards and Google Slides.  I think this was helpful in that quite a number of students commented positively on the change.  Having reviewed my youtube uploads, most of the videos were viewed less than 50 times by students (I had 122 students!), despite the links being provided to students through Blackboard.  I still think Explain Everything is a good app, but I would only use it in future when I cannot meet students face-to-face.
Second, an improvement I wanted to make in my lectures through the DISCOVERe program was to embed simulations within student activities in class.  I used several simulations throughout the semester (PhET simulations, Molecular Workbench, ChemCollective) and students generally responded positively to using these simulations. Tablets are fine in the classroom as long as it is mostly the students using them and not the instructor! Despite providing scaffolding to guide students through important features of the simulations, some of the simulations were still somewhat challenging for some students to figure out. However, I was proactive in moving around the room and helped students address such issues. My initial use of these simulation activities has been valuable for student engagement, but I will continue to consider ways to improve the scaffolds I use with these simulations.
            Lastly, as part of an aim for Affordable Learning Solutions for students, I recommended free books for students to use as a substitute for the prescribed text and also moved homework from an online homework system requiring a payment (from students) to Blackboard.  I feel that such changes did not negatively impact student outcomes for the class, but students did appreciate the option of not having to pay for a textbook or for an online homework system.
Over the course of the Fall 2016 semester, I spent considerable time determining effective ALS for my courses through discussions with certain faculty, discussions at the department level, and discussions with staff in the Center of Faculty Excellence at Fresno State.  As a result of these discussions, I have made a number of substantial and important changes to the course for Spring 2017 semester.  We are:

(a) trialling a free Introductory Chemistry textbook from OpenStax.  The material in this textbook is better organized than the previous textbook the students used.

(b) moving away from a fee-paying online homework system as a homework tool, instead using end-of-chapter Diagnostic Assessments for students to determine where they are having difficulties with the course material.  This change alongside the change in textbook will save students $141.  I also hope it will encourage students to concentrate on communicating the process through which they solve problems rather than just the solution.  I will also receive better insight into student thinking as an instructor.

(c) removing the use of iClickers and instead having students upload PDF documents of their lecture notes to Blackboard as part of their participation. An issue I had from Spring 2016 and again for Fall 2016 was that some students would not satisfactorily participate in the iClicker questions and would select any response, as they were not accountable.  This switch to a lecture notes upload should hopefully result in better student engagement in class.  Again, like the Diagnostic Assessments, the participation uploads will give better insight into student thinking and where they may have difficulties with the material.

(d) using Concept Maps/Mindmaps to encourage students to make effective connections across the different topics for the course.  A concern I had during Fall 2016 was that the material can at times be very fragmented and that students struggle to realize how all the material links up.  Concept Maps/Mindmaps should help students develop more coherent conceptual frameworks for the topics.

(e) using Discussion Forums to encourage students to ask questions and to also answer questions from their peers.  Students often send me e-mails that I think would be better suited to a Discussion Forum, as many students have very similar questions.  As such, I am encouraging students to post such questions to a discussion forum so that the responses are visible to all students.

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